How could the hollowness of this guy’s “strength” be shown any more starkly?
Trump isn’t strong enough to cope with the reality that he lost his bid for re-election. Every loser in our presidential history has had to deal with a painful defeat. But until Trump, there was no one – however bitter the defeat -- who couldn’t deal with it. Who couldn’t at least play the part that the American system required of them.
But Donald Trump can’t hack it. He can’t cope with the defeat he’s been dealt because his being rejected by the American people would say that he is the LOSER. And he is too fragile to accept that part of the competitive process.
So Trump resorts to a whole string of naked lies—lies that get refuted every day as his baseless legal suits get laughed out of court for their having no basis in evidence, but simply arise out of his inability to accept any vote tally that goes against him.
How weak the man who cannot accept defeat, but is compelled to resort to such denial of reality.
How pathetic the man so lacking in dignity that he cannot get his conduct within the parameters that the Constitution, statutory laws, and all of American history say is appropriate and required.
How completely morally bankrupt the man who unhesitatingly does damage to the integrity of our political system to protect his unfortunate psyche from the wounds that create malignant narcissists like him.
[Thinking of my weekly op/ed pieces in the Trumpy area in which I live, I’m wondering if this stark display of weakness — as well as his other usual sins of lying and willingness to sacrifice the world around him for completely self-serving purposes — might constitute an opportunity to get his followers to see him better for what he is.]