I can only go by what is reported in this Rawstory article, which is about how Jack Smith is showing that he will be proceeding aggressively with respect to Trump and his crimes:
According to one Trump insider, some attorneys for the former president think it's a good sign Smith has been working in Europe since the Jan. 6 insurrection.
“The fact that they found a guy who has been in Europe for the past several years, without his brain marinating in the soup of January 6th coverage, that’s a good thing,” they explained.
If they think that the problem Trump faces is that too many DOJ-types have been “marinating” in the reality that Donald Trump attempted to pull of a coup d’etat, they are seriously deluded.
It has long been clear that Donald Trump should be indicted, for a variety of things. The only issue has been — for quite some time — whether the DOJ would avoid prosecuting Trump out of concern for the political repercussions of indicting a former President, and especially one that has shown that he has a big following that will create trouble if Trump wants them to. (And the record could not be clearer that Trump would do all he could to mobilize his following to make trouble.)
The fact that Jack Smith is showing aggressiveness is a clear indication that there will be no shrinking from applying the law to Trump as DOJ would to anyone else, that it is “Rule of Law Full Speed Ahead,” and let the chips fall where they may.
And if it’s true that “some attorney’s for the former president” think that Jack Smith will be easier on Trump because he’s been overseas during these past several years, that would seem to suggest that they don’t know how clear the picture is of their client’s criminality.