The right-wing/fascistic coalition now governing Israel has passed the first stage of its judicial overhaul. Hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets to protest this move which is rightly condemned as anti-democratic because it upsets what “checks and balances” have been part of Israel’s political functioning. The protesters rightly complain that it is part of a recipe to turn Israeli Democracy into a more Fascistic State.
Though those are reason enough for people who believe in Democracy to oppose what Netanyahu and his extremists coalition-partners are doing. There’s one other point to be made.
The American Declaration of Independence is correct in its making the fundamental point about the Democratic view of power: governments, it is said, “deriv[e] their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
Netanyahu’s right wing government is increasing its powers. (That removal of the judicial check is all about increasing the ability of the government to do whatever it wants— which is a Big increase in its powers.)
But they clearly do not have the consent of the governed. Opinion polls consistently show that these power-increasing moves are opposed by the majority of the Israeli people. (The polls even show that if an election were held now, the Israeli electorate would boot Netanyahu and his coalition out of power.)
Therefore, these new powers — to which “the governed” are clearly withholding their “consent” — are unjust according to the principles of Democracy so well and wisely articulated by America’s Founders.