Inspired (if “inspired” can be the right word to use for a reaction of disgust) by the recent news that these Republican leaders announced they will support Trump, despite their having publicly declared Trump unfit for the Presidency and/or a threat to the nation, I’ve made this video calling upon good warriors on the Democratic side to call them out.
(Among those good Democratic warriors that might take on that battle, I mention Senators Elizabeth Warren and Sheldon Whitehouse, and Representatives Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin.)
“How can you justify that support, when what you have said about Trump shows that you know that supporting Trump violates the oath you took to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies foreign and domestic?”
Here’s the video making the case for why this is an opportunity to seize, one that can help dramatize for the American people the true nature of the choice we face in the 2024 election— an election in which the survival of American democracy is at stake. (And where Republican leaders who know what’s what are called upon to lead their followers onto the right path— i.e. to reject the Fascism that Trump represents, and support the candidate who will keep American democracy alive.)
You can find the collection of my videos here.
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A large body of my written works — including free access to the complete pdf of my 2015 book WHAT WE’RE UP AGAINST: The Destructive Force at Work in Our World— and How We Can Defeat It — can be found here.